Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Rwanda – Affordable Housing – Opportunities, Options, and Challenges

African country Rwanda started Second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS 2). This paper summarizes presentations and discussions from Kigali’s the National Forum on Urbanization in Support of  EDPRS 2. Rapid urbanization is of course not unique to Rwanda. Each year, the entire world gains about 70 million new urban dwellers. These transitions have happened in all regions; North America, Latin America and Europe all saw periods of rapid urban growth. Historically, all attempts to stop this undoubtedly disruptive shift have failed. Currently, the highest urbanization rates are being seen in Asia and Africa. But even within this global context, Rwanda’s position is acute. A  National Survey indicated that high population density in the countryside had led to farm plots in Rwanda becoming so small and fragmented that their size does not permit the average household to meet subsistence needs (Rwanda State of Environment and Outlook Report 2009). Related evidence from labour market surveys is consistent with this finding. Rwanda’s percentage of urban dwellers is one of if not the lowest in Africa. According to the 2012 census, 83 percent of Rwandans now live in rural areas (National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, 2014). But with a high rate of urbanization the balance is shifting, fast. According to the City of Kigali’s Development Plan, by 2020, Rwanda’s population will reach 16 million people with 30 percent of that total living in cities. Kigali will take the majority of this increase (City of Kigali Development Plan 2012/13).

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