Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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China: Evaluation of the Social Housing Program

The Yukon Housing Corporation (YHC) initiated the evaluation of the Social Housing Program in accordance with the terms of the federal/territorial Social Housing Agreement executed in 1998 between Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and YHC. The agreement requires YHC to “conduct and provide to CMHC evaluation of the programs covered in the Agreement commencing within five years of the effective date of the Agreement (October 1998) and proceeding so that every program is evaluated every five years or as agreed to by the parties. The methodology used in the evaluation included issues identification interviews. The issues identified were placed in an evaluation matrix which outlined the evaluation questions, and relevant sources of data. A client survey was carried out by telephone, involving 114 clients out of a then current population of 438 households. Those interviewed were identified through a process of stratified random sampling. The strata (type of client) were: Whitehorse, Rural, and Senior clients. Rural clients and seniors were over-sampled in order to achieve a uniform level of precision of +/- 10% (confidence interval of +/- 10% at a 90% confidence level) for each of the strata. The overall precision was somewhat better, because of the larger combined sample size (+/- 8%). There is no comprehensive housing unit stock condition tracking system or ability to flag preventative maintenance and upgrades that are required based on the age and condition of the units.

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