Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Housing parameters overview of comments, responses and revisions

The desire for a higher minimum percentage of affordable housing or 100% affordable to low-income households – Added a parameter: “Exceed these minimum affordable housing percentages to the greatest extent possible, provided that all other development parameters are also met.” – Goal is to create competition to provide the greatest possible affordable percentage. – Also want to acknowledge that Balboa Reservoir is a great opportunity for moderate and middle-income. – A 100% below market rate project will be challenged in paying for legally required land value and buildout of needed infrastructure serving the development while also satisfying other public benefit requirements established by the community.

Housing should prioritize special populations such as the elderly, public servants, disabled, adults with developmental disabilities, and veterans. – Added a parameter: “Consider targeting affordable housing to special populations such as seniors, physically and developmentally disabled adults, veterans, and/or public servants, subject to fair housing law, ability to secure required subsidy, and related City housing policies.”

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