Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Green Building Features for Climate Resilient Affordable Housing

Missing policies to make climate resilient housing in climate-vulnerable locations. Missing policies to make affordable homes green. Low Awareness of green initiatives and climate resilient features that need to be integrated into affordable housing. Missing Financial policies and incentives to promote Green and climate resilient housing in the climate vulnerable locations in India. No or limited incentives for borrowers from Government or financial institutions, for those, who are building green & climate resilient homes. Green building features & climate resilient features are not yet integrated into the Schedule of Rates developed by most of the States.

Objective: 1. To assess the market potential for climate resilient low-cost housing. 2. To design a feasible business model including developing a low-cost housing insurance framework and identification of potential implementing partners for pilot interventions. Policy Recommendations: 1. Policies by Government to mainstream green and climate resilient affordable homes. 2. Policies for Financial Institutions to lend to climate resilient green affordable homes. 3. Integration of green features and climate resilient features in Schedule of Rates and Building Bye-Laws.

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