Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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USA: An Element of Arlington County’s Comprehensive Plan

The Affordable Housing Master Plan (AHMP) has been developed as the County’s longrange vision for addressing housing needs through 2040 in fulfillment of the Code of Virginia. The AHMP defines Arlington County’s affordable housing policy and will be reviewed and revised as necessary at least once every five years to account for changing conditions within and beyond the County. The periodic review should be conducted through a process that includes stakeholder representatives. As with all Comprehensive Plan elements, the AHMP does not commit the County to any immediate or future expenditures. The Affordable Housing Implementation Framework is a companion document that describes the tools and strategies available to be employed to fulfill the goals established by this Affordable Housing Master Plan. A monitoring and evaluation plan will be developed with community input that will identify the metrics to be used to monitor progress towards achieving the Plan goals.

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