Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Planning for Affordable Housing in the Twin Cities Metro

In 2006, the Metropolitan Council (Met Council) released the results of its new fair share affordable housing allocation formula in a report entitled, “Determining Affordable Housing Need in the Twin Cities 2011-2020.” In this report, the agency provided a basis for a set of affordable housing need numbers that aim to fulfill local municipalities’ housing responsibilities toward state requirements for regional land planning. The Met Council requires cities to include affordable housing need numbers in their 2030 comprehensive plans. The McKnight Foundation asked our group to study cities’ comprehensive plans to determine whether cities are actively working to meet their affordable housing needs. Our group reviewed a sampling of comprehensive plans and requested interviews with staff from each city selected. Our report offers a review of the responses of cities in the Twin Cities region to these affordable housing needs numbers. Analysis of the current 2030 comprehensive plans, both final and draft, and interviews with city planners revealed a wide variety of responses. Some cities actively accept the new formula’s need numbers and demonstrate a deep understanding of the subsidy and non-subsidy means at their disposal to work toward meeting them. Some cities rejected the affordable housing needs as too high and argue that the Met Council is overstepping its bounds. Others did not even mention the affordable housing need that was assigned to them in their plans and could not recall the number at the time of their interview.

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