Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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An Affordable Housing Plan for British Columbia

Every resident of British Columbia deserves a safe, secure, and affordable home. In recent years, however, rising costs have created serious challenges for individuals and families, whether they rent or own their own homes. In turn, a lack of affordable housing options has begun to put pressure on the social and economic fabric of large and small communities across the province. Nowhere is this felt more acutely than in the rental housing system, where a lack of affordable options has led to rising numbers of individuals experiencing homelessness, an inability for young families to save for a down payment on a home, employers struggling with recruitment and retention of workers, and an exodus of individuals and families from large urban centres.1 These are only some of the human and economic costs related to a lack of affordable housing options in communities across BC. While media commentary has tended to focus on the lack of affordable housing, less attention has been given to what it will take to solve the crisis. The Affordable Housing Plan for BC estimates the investments required to meet current and future affordability and supply challenges for renter households in BC and its 28 regional districts across the province over a ten-year period. The Plan also examines the investments required to save our existing supply of non-profit and co-op housing and to meaningfully address homelessness in the next ten years. The BC Rental Housing Coalition proposes solutions to the affordable housing crisis by providing a policy framework and specific actions to meet the targets set out in the Plan.

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