Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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UK: Modern Methods of Construction as the Salvation of the Undersupply of Affordable Housing

The aim of the study is to investigate whether modern methods of construction (MMC) will be used by housing associations (HAs) to address undersupply of affordable housing in the UK. The population is development departments of HAs, to determine answers to two questions: (1) is there an undersupply of affordable housing in the UK, and if so what factors are influencing it?, and (2) what factors are considered when choosing between MMC and traditional methods?

The main research instrument is qualitative semi-structured interviews with nine senior development directors, validated by quantitative data obtained from development staff. It is confirmed that there is an undersupply of housing, and that MMCs alone cannot resolve this problem. The main conclusion is that Government needs to address the amount of bureaucracy currently hindering HAs from developing. The study should inform the decision-making process at inception stage for housing developers and HAs.

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