Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Canada: Municipal Measures for Housing Affordability and Diversity in Metro Vancouver

There is growing recognition that municipalities influence housing affordability and diversity. In 2007 Metro Vancouver adopted an Affordable Housing Strategy (AHS). For the first time at the regional level, it laid out a framework for municipal action to address housing affordability. This study documents the extent to which the 15 largest Metro Vancouver municipalities have adopted 35 measures referenced in the strategy and the perceived influence of the strategy. Using a web search and interviews with municipal staff, the study found that over 250 zoning, fiscal, planning, approval process, rental loss prevention and education/advocacy measures were in place and another 30 were pending adoption. Zoning and regulatory measures were the most common type of measure adopted, followed by fiscal measures involving contributions of land or cash.

There has been a range of responses, with municipalities adopting between 23% and 80% of the 35 measures considered. The City of Vancouver, the largest by population and with the most costly housing has adopted the most measures, at 80%. Many of the measures had been adopted in the last two decades, and 22% of all measures had been introduced since the AHS was adopted in November 2007. In over fifty percent of municipalities a homeless plan was in place, and two thirds participated on a homeless task force or committee or had facilitated housing or shelter for homeless persons. Overall, the Metro AHS (20071 was perceived to have had little influence on municipal activity to date, however it was felt to offer significant indirect benefits in setting a common policy direction for the region. It is clear these Metro municipalities are responding to growing concern about housing affordability and diversity. This research has served as an indicator of current activity and can serve as a baseline against which future efforts and changes can be assessed.

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