Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Canada: Zoning is Tool For Providing Affordable Housing

The purpose of this paper is to explore the need for inclusionary zoning (IZ) as a tool for providing affordable housing in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH). There is a consensus that GGH municipalities are increasingly facing an affordable housing problem. There is also a growing view that municipalities need additional tools like IZ to enhance the supply of affordable housing within their boundaries. At present, Ontario municipalities are not permitted to implement IZ measures and the Province is under pressure to reconsider this prohibition. It is generally recognized that the provision of affordable housing to meet the needs of lower income households is an income redistribution program most appropriately funded by the senior levels of government, not municipalities or the homebuilding industry. Municipalities are being forced to search for less satisfactory, locally based approaches due to a marked shortfall in funding from the Ontario and federal governments.

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