Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Nigeria: Public-Private Partnership in Affordable Housing

Housing is the second basic need of man after food. Throughout a man’s life, securing a place to call his/her own greatly occupies man’s thoughts. In recent years, the Cross River State Government has made efforts to assist its workforce in acquiring housing of their own at a reduced price and through housing loan that runs over a long period of time. Recently, the state government through its partners has been able to provide 450 affordable housing units to the State’s Civil Servants through the Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) initiative. In order to assess the role played by PPP in the provision of housing units in Akpabuyo Local Government Area (Akpabuyo Housing Estate) to Civil Servants in the state, the study evaluated the perception of people that acquired the housing units on the nature of the Loan and the drive carried out by the PPP in housing provision. The Snowball sampling technique was employed to sample 90 respondents. The result showed that all the respondents were pleased and satisfied with the role played by PPP in housing provision. It also showed that 89 percent of the respondents were highly satisfied with the mode of selection and payment for the housing units, while 11 percent were of the opinion that the process was characterized by irregularities such as favoritism. One-way analysis of variance showed that the mode of payment for the housing units varied by income (p<0.05); implying more housing stress to low-income earners. The study suggests that a more unified and progressive mode of payment should be implemented by the government to enable civil servants in the state to access the loan for housing.

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