Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date29/11/2019
Published By
Edited BySuneela Farooqi

Better Homes for All 2019 – 2024, A Housing Strategy for Wolverhampton, UK

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Document Type:General
Publish Date:2019
Edited By:Suneela Farooqi

Good quality of housing has a fundamental role in developing economic function in the region.  It is dynamic action if we continue to provide good quality homes and with new affordable homes in our city. We know better the importance of providing greater housing and demand high-quality housing design and property management standards. This strategy delivers plans to accelerate housing development as well as our economic growth. This plans to support our residents and create better homes and communities as we are committed to enhancing the health and well-being of the people of the UK.  The Vision of the plan for housing is to deliver  Better Homes for All and it supports the fourth strategic outcome of the Council Plan 2019-2024.  The delivery of better homes to meet the needs of our economy, communities, and the growing number of households.  To ensure safe and healthy homes for all by tackling and challenging criminal landlords and setting excellent levels of housing management. We will make the best use of housing in the city bringing empty properties back into use and improving the quality.

Wolverhampton Homes and the Tenant Management Organisations through new build, private sector leasing, and buying existing properties where it makes strategic sense, ensuring that the city retains a diverse social housing sector. We will continue to secure 25% affordable housing (15% for rent and 10% affordable homeownership) on all sites of 15 homes or more and 10% for affordable home ownership on all major developments where this is financially viable in line with our Core Strategy and national policy. The type of affordable homes sought will be determined on a site by site basis, based on the best available information regarding housing need, site surroundings and viability considerations. The council will make use of the new flexibilities in the Housing Revenue Account to build new affordable housing and we have made provision of £157.3 million up to 2023-2024 for the new build programme.

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