Australia’s Monash City Council is producing an affordable Housing Strategy. This will deliver on a commitment made in Council’s state legislated health and wellbeing plan to deliver an Affordable Housing Strategy and suitable housing options in Monash close to family, friends, social groups, shops and health services.” The development of this Strategy also aligns with the Monash Housing Strategy 2014, that states an objective to ensure appropriate and affordable housing is available to suit the social and economic needs of the community.
The council takes an active role in advocacy and is a member of the Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance (EAHA). The EAHA recently launched ‘Zone in’, a campaign demanding real action on social and affordable housing and calling for the introduction of mandatory requirements on all surplus government land and strategic redevelopment sites. Affordable housing and housing affordability are two closely related but independent concepts and the term housing affordability refers to the general cost of housing relative to incomes.