Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date06/03/2009
AuthorAzhan Abdul Aziz and Abdullah Sani Ahmad
Published ByELSVIER
Edited ByTabassum Rahmani

Home making in low-cost housing area

The relationships between the physical environment and social life of urban low cost housing have been assessed in a number of different perspectives. Among others, residential preference and satisfaction, housing design features, residential crowding and attachment, have been used to explain the relationships of physical design and social aspects of housing. Moreover, the assessments dealt with perceptions,  and subjective values which were disconnected from the environmental contexts, and neglected the adaptability of human in their environment. Most of the people People often show higher satisfaction level of living in a place and indicate acceptance to the current residential conditions despite being moderately contented. It gives  proposal for an assessment of the social life of a low cost housing environment through observations of these obvious behaviors are related to place making framework and theories associated to the social functioning of housing environment.

This is an assessment of the social life of a low cost housing environment through observations of these overt behaviours that are related to place making framework and theories associated to the social functioning of housing environment. It argues that these overt behaviours, in the forms of social interaction, territorial markings, surveillance, personalization, care and civilities, are the place making constructs people engage in that manifest the meaning of home place. The outdoor housing area becomes the main medium that holds abundant evidences of this home making venture. A study of people’s transactions with the environment could possibly reveal a certain pattern of the residential life experience including attachment, satisfaction, communal life and other social measures important in housing research and certainly provides an alternative to viewing environment as given. The influences that people exert on the environment deserve as much research attention as the influence the environment exerts on people’s perception and feeling of satisfaction, and consequently would better explain the relationships between the designed environment and residents’ behaviours.

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