Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date04/12/2019
Published By
Edited BySuneela Farooqi

Tualatin Housing Strategy, Oregon, USA

The City of Tualatin has prepared an agreement with ECO Northwest to design a Housing Needs Analysis as well as Housing Strategy for Tualatin because the City of Tualatin has enough land to accommodate twenty years of population housing growth which will characterize housing affordability problems and clarify/ identify gaps in housing affordability in Tualatin. They will find out the basis for an update to the City’s complete Housing Plan as well as for the development of an action plan to implement the housing policies and strategies. They have a plan for a period of 2020–2040 with minimum growth of 1,014 new dwelling units within the Tualatin city. Tualatin’s vacant unconstrained buildable land has the capacity for the development of 1,207 new dwelling units at full build-out not including redevelopment capacity. The Housing Strategy focuses on households with middle, low, very low, or extremely low-income groups.

The Tualatin Housing Strategy is organized around six broad strategic priorities: (1) ensure an adequate supply of land that is available and serviceable; (2) encourage development of a wider variety of housing types; (3) identify strategies to support affordable housing; (4) evaluate funding tools to support residential development; (5) identify redevelopment opportunities; and (6) ensure there are connections between planning for housing and other planning (such as transportation planning, water and wastewater planning, or economic development planning). The broad goal of the Tualatin Housing Strategy is to help the City manage the land within the Tualatin planning area to meet current and future housing needs while maintaining the character and quality of life in Tualatin and protecting public interests such as housing affordability, health, safety, and municipal revenues.

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