Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 07/09/2018
Author Updating by ACASH is in process
Published By International Journal of Research Studies Engineering and Technology
Edited By Tabassum Rahmani

Alternative Building Material in Bangladesh

Environmental pollution is the most concerning issue in today’s world. Construction Industries are one of the largest sectors to pollute the environment. In Bangladesh, burnt clay brick is the most commonly used building material. Which produces a significant amount of greenhouse gasses and also destroys a huge amount of agricultural land every year. For a better environment, the alternative sustainable building material is a must. Sustainable Building Material can be defined as a product that uses less energy and has less impact on the environment during its lifetime. The study appraises alternative building materials and technologies as a walling materials. Housing is the constitutional right of an individual or a family. Providing housing for all is also significant for ensuring sustainable urban and rural development. Bangladesh is one of the largest densely populated countries in the world. Unplanned rural housing is creating extra pressure on land.

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