Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date16/05/2001
Published ByThe Indian Concrete Journal
Edited ByTabassum Rahmani

Low-Cost Housing Common Mistakes in Construction

Civil engineering has made vast progress in developing new materials and sophisticated construction techniques. Quality control, time-saving, and reliability have become the motto of civil engineering. But, the construction of low-cost residential buildings in India is dominated by the use of labor-intensive techniques of construction. There is not much improvement in the quality of construction due to the following reasons.  the old traditional techniques of construction are ongoing as they are cheaper and facilitate the contractors, cheap labor attracts the local contractors as advanced machines are costly,  old techniques of construction involve more labor than machines and about 50 percent of contractors have not undergone civil engineering education.

The following construction mistakes are observed and overlooked during the construction phase of residential buildings. The cement-sand mix in the mortar and brick masonry is made quite early, prior to its use and in larger quantities than required, the construction materials like sand, bricks, aggregates,, are not washed and are full of deleterious material and dust, Compaction of bottom strata in foundation work is not carried out, during concreting of footings, the concrete is poured at a height greater than 1 m. Generally, trapezoidal footings are resorted to, where concrete is never vibrated, and reinforced concrete (RC) columns, an important part of the structure, are neither mechanically vibrated nor machine mixed. They are cast in short lifts with an increased number of joints and cover to reinforcement in columns, beams and slabs is insufficient.

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