Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date12/11/2020
Published ByAffordable Development Outcomes
Edited ByTabassum Rahmani


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Document Type:General
Publish Date:November 2020
Primary Author:Affordable Development Outcomes
Edited By:Tabassum Rahmani
Published By:Affordable Development Outcomes

Plan Melbourne and Homes for Victorians recognize that the planning system has a role to play in the delivery of Affordable Housing. The facilitation of the provision of Affordable Housing is an objective of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Affordable Housing is defined in the Act as “housing, including Social Housing, that is appropriate for the social housing, of very low, low and moderate-income households”. Household income bands are published annually and set the maximum income a very low, low, or moderate-income household can earn to be eligible for Affordable Housing delivered under the Act. Social Housing is a form of Affordable Housing that is owned and/or managed by the State Government or a Registered Housing Agency and rented to very low or low-income households as established under the Victorian Housing Register. The provision of Affordable Housing as on objective is reinforced in the State Planning Policy Framework (SPPF), which includes objectives and strategies to increase housing choice in terms of type, tenure and cost and encourage a significant proportion of new development to be affordable for households on very low to moderate incomes.

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