Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date14/05/2014
Published ByNugroho Tri Utomo
Edited BySaba Bilquis


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Document Type:General
Publish Date:May 2014
Primary Author:Nugroho Tri Utomo
Edited By:Saba Bilquis
Published By:Nugroho Tri Utomo

1. Channeling FLPP.
2. Improve the role of the Regional Development Bank in channeling the FLPP.
3. Established Secondary Mortgage Facility Corporation.
4. Multi Storey low-Income Rental Housing.
5. Neighborhood development.
6. Quality Improvement for Self-Help Housing.
7. Revitalize the role of Perumnas (National Public Housing Enterprise).
8. Establish housing microfinance institutions.

Putting together a road map for accelerated public housing provisions and slum alleviation in 2015-2019, focusing on a select number of achievable programs and providing strong bases for scaling up.

Issues: Mismatch supply-demand and substandard housings. Market failures in the low-income housing market: housing price overshooting, undersupply of affordable housing, low-quality housing. Limited access of low-income households to housing finance Lack of long-term financing Ineffective and mistargeted government interventions; limited capability to empower low-income housing market Many good initiatives from government and community in the past but have not been successfully scaled-up.

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