Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date15/11/2017
Published ByVeritas Design Group
Edited BySuneela Farooqi

An Integrated Approach to Affordable Housing

  1. A Theoretical Model of Affordable House Price;
  2. Effect of Demand Side Intervention on Affordable House Price;
  3. The Need for Supply Side Intervention;
  4. The National Housing Policy (2018-2025);
  5. Improving The Coordination Between Housing And Transportation

House prices are severely unaffordable. It is more than six times the median household income nationally. The National Housing Policy is still private sector-led and remains focused on the demand side. Supply-side intervention should not be forgotten in the efforts to improve home ownership. The cost of facilities is quite high as the development is built in isolation. As a result in one precinct there is redundancy in the provision, therefore cost. Investing in existing facilities in the area or sharing the cost of building a precinct-wide facility. Weaving the development back into the local community, creating interdependence– reduces costs.

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