Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date16/06/2010
AuthorEnergy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
Published ByEnergy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
Edited BySuneela Farooqi

Long Term Strategy for the Renovation of Flemish Buildings

The Flemish Climate Strategy 2050, which was adopted by the Flemish Government on 20 December 2019, includes the goal of achieving a reduction of 85% in the greenhouse gas emissions of the nonETS sectors by 2050 (compared to 2005), with the ambition of proceeding to full climate neutrality. For the building sector, our aim is to reduce the emissions of the Flemish building stock to 2.3 Mt CO2 equivalent by 2050. This is subdivided into the following indicative targets for 2050:Flemish buildings, with a 28% share, make the second-largest contribution to total non-ETS greenhouse gas emissions in Flanders. Moving towards a low-carbon society by 2050, therefore, requires even greater efforts to make the building sector more sustainable through deep renovation and a shift towards sustainable heating.

Flemish buildings, with a 28% share, make the second-largest contribution to total non-ETS greenhouse gas emissions in Flanders. Moving towards a low-carbon society by 2050, therefore, requires even greater efforts to make the building sector more sustainable through deep renovation and a shift towards sustainable heating. A Flemish long-term renovation strategy for 2050 has been drawn up on the basis of the activities in the Renovation Pact, among others, and stakeholder consultation in the context of Rapid Acceleration Working Groups and the Energy Poverty Programme. This strategy implements Article 2a of the EPBD (Directive 2010/31/EU) concerning long-term renovation strategies for buildings.

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