Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date18/03/2020
Published By
Edited BySuneela Farooqi

The Complexity and Scale of the Housing Challenge

Most of us yearn for unspoilt green spaces, clean air; and traffic-free roads. We also want abundant local schools, doctors’ surgeries, and leisure facilities; we want faster trains, more buses, and the flexibility of car use; we want a growing economy that supports our jobs but most importantly we want a decent chance to find a home where we choose and at a price, we can afford.

To allocate and deliver homes alongside jobs, schools, health and leisure services, and parkland in a way that leaves England a better place than we found it. The hope is that success breeds success and that good development will expand the common ground between those who are reluctant to see change and those who champion it. We believe that an independent, expert Housing Advisory Committee with a clear remit and authority would make a great contribution to seeing that the homes are delivered in a way that strengthens our countryside, our communities, and our economy.

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