Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date28/05/2014
Published By
Edited BySuneela Farooqi

Affordable Housing Finance: Role of Government

Nigeria is the most rapidly urbanizing country in Africa having a population of 167 million people and the housing deficit is estimated at about 17 million units.  And the requirement of one million housing units per annum. An investment of at least US$300 billion (minimum) is required over the next 30 years for housing construction costs alone. Housing is the second most important human need after food. The Nigerian Government has to provide adequate shelter for all citizens, to guarantee the well-being and productivity of the Nigerian people. The most important constraints to inadequate housing or homelessness are lack of access to titled land and sustainable long-term housing finance. Accordingly, the removal of these two barriers is one of the most effective strategies for reducing poverty and achieving sustainable development. Provision of a favorable macro-economic, political, and social environment for both local investment and foreign direct investment, including incentives for cost recovery and repatriation of fund and profits, etc., Assistance to developers in the supply of unencumbered land and promotion of the use of alternative building materials and new technologies in housing delivery.

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