Social and Affordable Housing and Combating Housing Exclusion and Homelessness
The target group of the Social and Affordable Housing policies at a local level are priority individuals and households, living permanently or temporarily in Thessaloniki, who lack an owned residence, and are living under precarious conditions:
● in terms of income, that is either they lack a stable source of income or any income at all, or have low income or are about to have a source of income within a reasonable period
● and/or in terms of housing, meaning that they are either accommodated in an inadequate and temporary residence (i.e. living in shelters, as temporary guests, etc.) or are eligible to exit from social care facilities (such as rehabilitation facilities, mental health units)
In the aforementioned categories we can identify the main target groups:
● Low-income households lacking a self-owned residence
● Students whose permanent residence is outside Thessaloniki
● Refugees and asylum seekers
● Homeless people