Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 07/07/2023
Author The Asian Development Bank
Published By The Asian Development Bank
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Green and Resilient Affordable Housing Sector Project

Green and Resilient Affordable Housing Sector Project

Given the high and still rising demand for affordable housing in urban Bhutan, the government prioritized it in its Twelfth Five-Year Plan 2018–2023 and National Housing Policy (NHP) in 2020. The NHP aims to provide secure, safe, affordable, and adequate rental housing for all, promote home ownership, encourage public-private partnerships, improve the governance system, and integrate green and energy-efficient features. It also includes policies that streamline land-use zoning to increase land supply and provide tax incentives to banks and the private sector that offer housing finance.

To reach these goals, the government initiated a housing program that intends to supply 2,500 affordable rental housing units to poor beneficiaries. Most of the beneficiaries are low-income civil servants, municipal waste workers, single parents, people with disabilities, and single female-headed households. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is supporting this program through the Green and Resilient Affordable Housing Sector Project, which will build 1,000 of the planned housing units.

Also Read: Affordable Design Techniques for Housing in India

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