Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

sustainable affordable housing

Sustainable Affordable Housing Design: A Path to Resilient Communities

Integrating Sustainability in Affordable Housing Design: A Path to Resilient Communities

The need for cheap houses has not reduced and the fact is that more and more people are getting poor especially in the big cities where life becomes very expensive.

Even in the current scenario where cost remains an all-important consideration the other significant concern, which cannot be overlooked is the goal of practicing sustainable design in affordable housing.

The notion of sustainable affordable housing is far more than environmental responsibility; it speaks to better living today, financial efficiency in the future, and the robustness of populations.

In this blog post, we will explain the rationale for sustainable affordable housing, overview sustainable affordable housing design principles, and describe the policy context.

sustainable affordable housing

1. The Need for Sustainable Affordable Housing Solutions

Use of sustainable affordable housing design has brought important advantages for the family living standard and the environment, but application of sustainable housing design in AFH has come across several barriers.

Knowledge of the fact that sustainability is possible and required in this sector forms the background of dealing with these challenges.

The Importance of Sustainability in Affordable Housing

Sustainable affordable housing construction doesn’t only mean efficient use of energy; it means the production of healthy affordable dwellings that is efficient in resources.

Unfortunately, people who live in such homes are from the less fortunate financial bracket, and their homes are not fitted with proper insulation, inadequate ventilation, and little or no resistance to deterioration among other features.

They tend to spend more on energy bills because of this, have poor air quality inside their residences, and overall discomfort.

With regard to implementation of sustainable affordable housing design principles in these homes, they can be improved to be energy efficient thereby easing the plight of the occupants financially.

Sustainability is understood as the goal of implementing practices that lower the entire community’s carbon impact when incorporated into affordable housing.

This means developing the ability to withstand storm events and to ensure that new buildings are fit to be healthy places to live in the face of the environmental issues which have been more dramatically registered in low-income areas namely Hurricane Sandy.

Challenges in Implementing Sustainable Affordable Housing Design Practices

Sustainable design in affordable housing still has hurdles to clear. However, cost remains the biggest problem.

Sustainability is fine for the high rise buildings, or other fancy projects but it’s too costly for low-cost housing projects, according to some of the developers and policymakers.

As we have seen, sustainable approaches to technologies and materials may be relatively expensive to acquire initially, however the recurrent costs such as energy expenditure and wear and tear expenses may be more than offset in the long run.

The Benefits for Low-Income Communities

The advantages of implementing sustainable affordable housing does not limit to environmental friendly gains.

Through energy efficient homes, expenses on energy bills are low hence creates an easier financial burden for families of low income.

Biological sources of health problems from this study indicate that the use of green building materials and good ventilation in buildings minimized respiratory issues hence leading to less concentration of these diseases.

In addition, sustainable housing solutions have been found to promote improved community and pride among the residents; these houses are usually better looking, stronger, and easier to upgrade to meet future needs.

2. Design Principles for Sustainable Affordable Housing

To achieve the goal above, and work through the aforementioned challenges more design principles need to be implemented in the development process of affordable housing.

These principles concern energy conservation, resource utilization, and the creating of health promoting environments.

The Main Principles as a Guide for Sustainability Implementation

The seemingly obvious foundation for SAH is compliance with design rules for sustainability and for society.

When it comes to the implementation of the disaster plan one of the initial things that need to be done is to identify appropriate geographic location or sites and to orient the existing structures there.

Selecting a site that offers the least interference to the environment and the greatest utilization of natural resources such as the sun and wind can lower energy usage a lot.

It is economical to position buildings and their rooms in a manner that maximizes their exposure to frequent natural ventilation and solar-induced heating and cooling.

Another important guideline is insulation, windows, and doors that prevent heat from penetrating inside through the walls in winter and outside in summer.

This helps to reduce the costs like heating and cooling thus making the residents of sustainable affordable housing designs pay less for energy.

The design for sustainability should also incorporate renewable energy like solar and wind energy.

Since these technologists have become cheaper and easily available they are feasible solutions for minimizing nonrenewable energy used in buildings.

Energy-Efficient Materials and Technologies

Materials used in affordable housing is a critical determiner in promoting sustainable housing.

Reused steel, bamboo and used woods are other preferred green building material since the Mt. Huffman Multi-specialty training hospital is long-term infrastructure.

The use of the low-VOC paints and finishes enhances the quality of the indoor air to the extent that they inhibit the environment in which its occupants maybe more vulnerable to health complications.

Smart technologies for example smart thermostat and energy efficient lighting like LED bulbs can make a huge deal on energy consumption hence cutting expenses on energy.

Lack of efficiency in water usage also becomes another added event in resource conserve where fixtures such as low-flowing toilet and faucets saves up more homes in terms of energy as well as water usage.

Case Studies of Successful Sustainable Affordable Housing Projects

Since the 1980s, a number of Low cost housing projects across the globe have been implemented with the application of Sustainable design strategies.

One of such projects include the Via Verde in New York. This housing development practices green roofs, solar energy and energy conserving appliances due to its effect on the environment.

Another form of recreation in the development is the task of the community gardens which also bring values such as health and social relations among the people.

One example in this regard is the built project, called Carré Casgrain, located in Montreal, Canada where the passive solar design, high efficiency heating systems and water saving technologies have been used.

They place residents of this low-cost housing a step ahead when it comes to energy bills and healthier habitation, standards without compromising the housing cost.

Some Suggestions for Future Policy Process

The future policies should aim further development of successful pilot projects and increasing financial support for developers.

This may be in the form of extended credit for additional fiscal incentives for green buildings, enhanced subsidies for energy efficient products or research grants for bettering affordable houses that are already in the market.

Third, there should also be a shift from a lack of community engagement. Local community should take part in the developmental process since it benefits via satisfying their needs while respecting the environment.


Many authors have successfully argued that sustainability and affordability are not incompatible.

It is possible to retrofit sustainable affordable housing design features resulting in healthier and more sustainable communities.

Affordable and sustainable housing integrate well into communities when the political will and the support of the public and private domain are enhanced hence giving better hope for a better future to families in low-income households.

Also read: Resilient and Sustainable Housing Models against Climate Change: A Review

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