Policies to promote access to good-quality affordable housing in OECD countries
Access to housing and housing quality also remain pressing concerns in many OECD countries. Significant numbers of people are homeless: while statistics are difficult to compare, most OECD countries report that 1 to 8 people in every thousand lack regular access to housing. In addition, many households live in low-quality dwellings: 15% of low-income households live in overcrowded dwellings and 14% do not have access to an indoor flushing toilet. Neighborhood crime and pollution are also problematic for many households throughout the OECD.
Access to good-quality affordable housing is important for promoting several social policy objectives, including poverty reduction, equality of opportunity, and social inclusion. This paper aims to start developing OECD data and knowledge on housing policies and the degree to which OECD countries pursue social policy objectives through housing policies. The paper also identifies possible strands of work that can be carried out by the OECD Secretariat to help member countries learn from each other’s experiences.
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