Feasibility Analysis for the Development of Community Housing on Publicly-owned Properties
We understand that the work of this feasibility analysis is part of a larger, urgent need to honor and maintain the soul of Ketchum—its community housing. To do that, we need to address the massive shortage of affordable homes for residents. Knowing that housing is influenced by multiple factors, including social, land use, economic, and population changes, we will engage in this feasibility analysis as a true partner and collaborator in the nuanced discovery process and distillation of solutions.
To get there, we start by centering design justice and fostering collaborative relationships with the entire team. We value the wide variety of perspectives your staff, subject matter experts, and community members will provide throughout our work together. With sustainability and equity at the forefront of our process, we are confident that we can create a feasibility study that will be an invaluable asset to your team as you embark on developing five sites with housing to support Ketchum residents.
Also Read: Reflections on the normalisation of poor quality in England’s low-income housing