Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

Affordable housing in Pakistan – the ground situation

In Pakistan, the people’s right to adequate housing remains elusive for a significant portion
of the population. The ever-widening gap between housing supply and demand has created
a pressing challenge, particularly for low- and middle-income groups. This situation
necessitates a deep dive into the complexities of affordable housing in Pakistan.
Pakistan’s urban population growth rate, double of its rural population growth, and
continuous migration of people from rural to urban areas, for various economic reasons, are
always putting pressure on urban growth and people’s requirements adequate housing. And
these houses are also needed to be easily affordable. Pakistan’s rapid urbanization, driven
by people migrating to cities in search of opportunities, has significantly increased the
demand for housing. This influx puts immense pressure on existing infrastructure and
resources, making affordable housing a top priority. Pakistan’s population is always
projected to be on its upward trajectory, which further strains the limited housing supply in
the country, particularly in overburdened urban areas. Statistics show that there are net
housing shortage of more than ten lakhs in the country.

The issues impacting the availability of housing, particularly the affordable housing,
multifarious. Understandably, the speed with which population is increasing, and the way
rural people are heading towards the cities, can not be met by the increase in houses and
habitat. In Pakistan-like countries, it will remain a far cry to meet the demands of houses by
the people. In the first place, there are Financial Constraints. Traditional mortgage options
often come with high-interest rates and stringent eligibility criteria, making them inaccessible
for many low-income families. Additionally, upfront costs for down payments and closing fees
can be insurmountable hurdles. Coupled with this is High Construction Costs. Land prices,
especially in urban areas, are a major contributor to the high cost of housing development.
Building materials and labor costs also play a role, making it challenging for developers to
construct affordable units while maintaining profitability. Then there are issues Policy and
Planning Issues by the people who govern the country. The lack of clear and comprehensive
housing policies creates uncertainty for developers. It cannot be said that, no housing policy
were ever designed. The PTI Government (2018-2022) had designed a comprehensive
policy, and had implemented the same. But then all the things had become topsy-turvy in
coming years, and it seemed that, no one was there in the high ups of the country to carry
on the policy when in the mid of 2022, PTI Government, and its policy and related processes
ended, Additionally, inefficient land-use regulations and zoning restrictions had limited the
availability of affordable land for housing projects.

Resultantly, the stark absence of affordable housing options forces many to resort to
informal settlements, also known as slums. These overcrowded and poorly serviced areas
lack basic amenities like sanitation, clean water, and proper waste disposal, leading to a
decline in the overall quality of life.

As is said above, a time had come in recent past (2018-2022) when some glimmers of hope
could be seen, which was, however, short-lived. The Potential Solutions, could be seen

during this time period were Government initiatives like the Naya Pakistan Housing Program,
which offered a glimpse of hope. However, successful implementation of the same could not
be seen in subsequent times. There were also efforts for Public-Private Partnerships that is,
the Collaboration between the government and private developers to leverage the resources
and expertise for large-scale affordable housing projects. Government incentives and
streamlined regulations encouraged private sector participation at that time.

Investing in sustainable urban planning is critical for long-term solutions. Developing well-
planned cities with efficient public transportation and mixed-use zoning can optimize land
usage and bring down housing costs. Additionally, promoting vertical housing through high-
rise apartment buildings can maximize land use within existing city limits.

Keywords: housing, affordable housing, city planning, large scale housing

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