10 Biggest Slums in the World: Understanding Urban Poverty It must be remembered that slums are part of the current global urban texture, and millions of people live in them. Such communities are overcro...
What Are Smart Homes for Affordable Living When people speak of smart homes, the first thing that comes to the mind of most individuals is modern day sophisticated buildings. But with today’s progress in...
Tiny Homes as a Solution for Affordable Living As housing prices have risen high, and the population of urban areas is increasing, coming across the economically viable and sustainable housing solution is a ...
Rapid Rehousing a Pathway to Stability Rapid Rehousing or (RRH) is a brief, targeted approach to swiftly house homeless individuals and families and further provide them with other needed assistance. It ...
Micro Apartments – A Solution to Urban Affordability Because cities are expanding and owning a house at a reasonable price is getting nearly impossible, micro apartments are perspectives for the future...
Leveraging Crowdfunding for Affordable Housing Projects Lack of affordable housing has been felt all over globe more so due to skyrocketing prices of property and lack of enough financial support from the go...