Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

affordable housing maintenance

Best Practices for Affordable Housing Maintenance

Best Practices for Affordable Housing Maintenance Housing is one of the basic needs of man, cheap-housing has the grace of providing safe/adequate shelter for the needy, for the poor and the needy, for the h...


How Cohousing Can Be an Affordable Housing Solution

How Cohousing Can Be an Affordable Housing Solution With affordability dwindling and social isolation being a key factor to worry about, cohousing is set to become more effective and timely. Based on thi...

affordable housing for single parents

Affordable Housing for Single Parents: Resources and Challenges

Affordable Housing for Single Parents: Resources and Challenges Where to get cheap and steady accommodation is one of the biggest problems which one-parent families face. Given the role of bringing up ch...

affordable housing for senior citizens

Affordable Housing for Senior Citizens: Challenges and Solutions

Affordable Housing for Senior Citizens: Challenges and Solutions There is the concern for pet housing needs that come with aging populations in most regions globally or a need for affordable housing for seni...


Addressing the NIMBYISM: Affordable Housing Advocacy Tips

Addressing the NIMBYISM: Affordable Housing Advocacy Tips One of the major challenges to the affordable housing journey is NIMBYISM or Not in My Backyard.; secondly, opposition to affordable housing often ha...

rammed earth construction

What Is Rammed Earth Construction and Why Is It Cost-Effective

What Is Rammed Earth Construction and Why Is It Cost-Effective Some of the more traditional and still very valid forms of construction are today being adopted in modern sustainable architecture such as ramme...