What is Environmental Gentrification: When Green Meets Inequality Environmental gentrification can be explained as a way through which conscience urban changes like green areas, parks, sustainable energies o...
The Hidden Cost of Suburban Sprawl: A Housing Inequality Perspective Suburban sprawl is a rapid outward growth of cities accompanied by a low population density of the extending territory, the latter being a...
Addressing Gentrification Challenges: Strategies for Equitable Urban Development Gentrification refers to a current urban development process that is socially sensitive and whereby urban outer areas undergo ...
Social Costs vs. Economic Benefits of Gentrification Gentrification is a multifaceted social process that alters the conditions and make up of urban communities through processes such as; migration of upscal...
Addressing Housing Inequality: The Role of Local Governments Another feature of housing is it’s inequal distribution which intensifies socio-economic differentiation of a locality. It comes out of societ...
The Economics of Slum Upgradation Programs Because slums are the closest people can get to ‘the city dream,’ they are a reality that characterizes global urbanization and hosts millions of the world’s popula...