Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

environmental gentrification

What is Environmental Gentrification: When Green Meets Inequality

What is Environmental Gentrification: When Green Meets Inequality Environmental gentrification can be explained as a way through which conscience urban changes like green areas, parks, sustainable energies o...

suburban sprawl

The Hidden Cost of Suburban Sprawl: A Housing Inequality Perspective

The Hidden Cost of Suburban Sprawl: A Housing Inequality Perspective Suburban sprawl is a rapid outward growth of cities accompanied by a low population density of the extending territory, the latter being a...

gentrification challenges

Addressing Gentrification Challenges: Strategies for Equitable Urban Development

Addressing Gentrification Challenges: Strategies for Equitable Urban Development Gentrification refers to a current urban development process that is socially sensitive and whereby urban outer areas undergo ...

benefits of gentrification

Social Costs vs. Economic Benefits of Gentrification

Social Costs vs. Economic Benefits of Gentrification Gentrification is a multifaceted social process that alters the conditions and make up of urban communities through processes such as; migration of upscal...

housing inequality

Addressing Housing Inequality: The Role of Local Governments

Addressing Housing Inequality: The Role of Local Governments Another feature of housing is it’s inequal distribution which intensifies socio-economic differentiation of a locality. It comes out of societ...

slum upgradation

The Economics of Slum Upgradation Programs

The Economics of Slum Upgradation Programs Because slums are the closest people can get to ‘the city dream,’ they are a reality that characterizes global urbanization and hosts millions of the world’s popula...