Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
02/08/2019Power, Inequality, and Local Land Conflict in Afghanistan: A Study of Kabul’s Peri-Urban AreasNafay ChoudhuryDownload
12/07/2010Peace Building in Afghanistan Through Settlement RegularizationJan Turkstra and Abdul Baqi PopalDownload
14/11/2014Strengthening Displaced Women’s Housing, Land and Property Rights in AfghanistanJelena Madzarevic and Shobha RaoDownload
01/02/2023Critical success factor of PPP for affordable housing provision in Makkah, Saudi ArabiaAdnan Alshahrani, et.alDownload
21/07/2018Sustainable Design and Thermal Comfort Strategy: Cases of Urban “Affordable Housing” in NepalPratiksha Shrestha, and Sushil Bahadur BajracharyaDownload
24/03/2020Strengthening the Capacity of the Housing Sector in IraqGabriel NagyDownload
28/03/2018Prioritizing Requirements for Sustainable Affordable Housing in IraqSawsan Rasheed Mohammed and Ibtisam Abduljabbar AbdulridhaDownload
21/04/2016A Consumer and Investment Model of Housing Demand in Iran: Estimation and Policy ImplicationMohsen Amini Khouzani, Davoud Behboudi, Parviz Mohammadzadeh, Mahmoud Shirkosh and Ehsan RajabiDownload
04/04/2016Feasibility of Application of Modern Tehran Redevelopment Company (TRC) in IranArman Hashemi, Masa Noguchi and Hasim AltanDownload
18/04/2012Megastructure Reloaded: A New Technocratic Approach to Housing Development in Ekbatan, TehranMohamad SedighiDownload
29/06/2011Economic Performance of the Housing Sector in IranHamid Sepehrdoust and Adel BerjisianDownload
20/01/2015Research on Cost Control of Construction Project Based on the Theory of Lean Construction and BIM: Case StudyYe WenDownload
31/10/2023Modelling Housing Demand Factors for Affordable Units in MalaysiaRohayu Ab Majid, et.alDownload
16/09/2024Opportunities and Challenges in Affordable Housing in NepalAr. Kishore ThapaDownload
31/03/2023Factors to Facilitate Private Development in Financing Affordable Housing For Low-Income Groups in Klang ValleyNorazmawati Md. Sani, and & Muhammad Shafiq KamaruddinDownload
09/05/2021Urban Poverty Reduction Strategy In Select Cities of IndiaProf. Chetan Vaidya, et.alDownload
31/01/2017Slum Up-gradation Initiatives – Related Policies, Issues, Unintended Outcomes in IndiaNirmala JoharDownload
27/08/2018Innovative Approach to Assess and Reduce Vulnerability of Nepal’s Housing StockChinatsu Endo Pragya Pradhan Ramraj NarasimhanDownload
07/09/2015Shelter Cluster Nepal Position Paper Housing and Settlements Recovery: The need for a support approachThe Shelter ClusterDownload
21/08/2017Factors Affecting the Demand for Housing Affordability among the Middle-Income Groups in Klang Valley MalaysiaNurshuhada Zainon, Download