Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
26/01/2015Recent trends in housing affordability research: where are we up to?Jing LIDownload
15/09/2005The Potential of Mutual-aid Housing Cooperatives to meet the Housing need of Urban Poor in NepalKaruna SedhainDownload
30/06/2022Governance Efficacy in Sustainable Slum Regeneration: Assessment Framework for Effective Governance in Slum Tourism Regeneration. Cases of study Medellín, Colombia and Busan, South KoreaManuel EscalonaDownload
24/01/2022Slum Upgrading to Resettlement Colonies: Building Inclusive, Safe and Resilient CommunitiesN. Joshua Jayaseelan, Alban Nishanth Lalu and R.SankaranarayananDownload
16/04/2013Organized Self-Help Housing: Lessons from Practice with an International Perspective.Arroyo Ivette and Ȧstrand JohnnyDownload
16/12/2021Slums in Casablanca: Assessment of the VSB program, case study: Er-hamna SlumM.A. Sakina Boufarsi, Prof.Dr. Behiye Isik Aksuku and Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emre AysuDownload
18/12/2015What works in improving the living conditions of slum dwellers A review of the evidence across four programmesPaula Lucci, Tanvi Bhatkal, Amina Khan and Tom BerlinerDownload
26/10/2018Public Housing Production in Turkey within the Framework of Sustainable Urban Development and ConstructionIsmet OsmanogluDownload
23/03/2023Barriers to Undertaking Green Building Projects in Developing Countries: A Turkish PerspectiveEmre Caner AkcayDownload
02/04/2008Provision of affordable housing in Europe, North America and Central Asia: Policies and PracticesDr Sasha TsenkovaDownload
05/12/2011Implementation Challenges and Opportunities in Housing Policy and Practice in the UNECE RegionDr Sasha TsenkovaDownload
27/07/2023Affordability of Affordable Housing in the Northern Region of MalaysiaHafirda Akma Musaddad, et.alDownload
20/04/2023A Place to Live in Dignity for All: Making Housing AffordableUnited NationsDownload
25/02/2011Shelter Design and Development in Cambodia Guideline for On-site Upgrading of Temporary SettlementsMeang SothaDownload
23/09/2018Quality of Housing in Slums of India with special emphasis on the Slum Households of OdishaDr. Priyanka ChakrabortyDownload
24/01/2006Bridging the Finance Gap in Housing and InfrastructureSomsook BoonyabanchaDownload
16/07/2005City Development Strategy 2005-2015Department of PlanningDownload
28/01/2003National Poverty Reduction Strategy 2003-2005Council for Social Development (CSD)Download
15/03/2012Cambodia Urban Sector Assessment, Strategy, and Road MapAsian Development BankDownload
06/07/2017Urban Development in Phnom PenhWorld Bank GroupDownload