Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
09/11/2009The Hindered Self-Help: Housing Policies, Politics and Poverty in Kolkata, IndiaUrmi SenguptaDownload
15/06/2013Planned Illegalities – Housing and the ‘Failure’ of Planning in DelhiGautam BhanDownload
15/06/2013Housing and the ‘Failure’ of Planning in Delhi: 1947-2010Gautam BhanDownload
26/02/2024A Framework for Affordable Housing in PakistanMr kamil khan MumtazDownload
14/08/1947Historical information about KarachiGul Hassan KalmattiDownload
16/06/2021Initiation of Housing Micro Finance in PakistanMuhammad Salman, Fariha Tariq and Minahil NawazDownload
10/12/2019Policy Framework and Institutional ArrangementsSana Malik, et.alDownload
26/09/2023The Public Housing Paradox in SingaporeCalvin ChuaDownload
17/01/2021Housing Policy for Low-Income Communities in Indonesia and Its ReformsAhmad Sururi, Budiman Rusli, Ida Widianingsih and Slamet Usman IsmantoDownload
06/02/2016Sustainability of Social Housing in AsiaCorinna Salzer, et.alDownload
13/05/2022Affordable Housing for Low-Income Community in ThailandDr. Sadanu Sukkasame Download
10/07/1994Some Aspects of Land Administration in IndonesiaSutanu BehhuriaDownload
17/01/2019International Journal of Urban Sustainable DevelopmentSandra C. Valencia, et. alDownload
15/05/2009Nizamuddin Urban Renewal InitiativeMrs. Usha Sharma, et.alDownload
09/06/2021Participatory Approaches in Urban Redevelopment ProjectsEvrim Özkan Töre, Zeynep Ayşe Gökşin and Yasemin Erkan YazıcıDownload
12/12/2012Upgrading of Slums and Informal SettlementsGovernment of IndonesiaDownload
08/07/2016Socio-Economics Conditions of Slums DwellersBrijendra Nath SinghDownload
20/05/2010Expanding Housing Finance to the Underserved in South AsiaTatiana NenovaDownload
24/02/2010Expanding Housing Finance to the Underserved in South AsiaTatiana NenovaDownload
05/03/2016Housing, Homeownership and Labour Market Change in Greater Jakarta, IndonesiaSurya Gunanta TariganDownload