Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
25/04/2014Affordable and Low Income Housing in East Asia and the PacificThe World BankDownload
21/03/2018Affordable Housing in IndiaFederation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and Coldwell Banker Richard Ellis(CBRE)Download
13/05/2020Sustainable Development of Affordable Housing – The Buyers PerspectiveTuan Shaik Abdul Rasheed GhaffourDownload
06/03/2019Housing Poverty in Urban India: The Failures of Past and Current StrategiesRENITA D’SOUZADownload
05/03/2020Low-Income Housing Strategies in Pakistan with Focus on Urban HousingMuhammad Ali TirmiziDownload
05/04/2017Low-Income Housing in Santa Rosa, PhilippinesMartin Schoch, Ph.D.Download
07/03/2019Policy for Low Cost Housing Finance in PakistanGhulam Muhammad)Download
21/09/2017Public Private Partnerships for Affordable Housing in IndiaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
20/04/2017Potential Implementation of Light Steel Housing System for Affordable Housing Project in MalaysiaM Saikah, N Kasim, R Zainal, N Sarpin, and M H I A RahimDownload
04/03/1992Karachi – Government Policies and Informal Sector and Community Responses, Arif HasanARIF HASANDownload
12/05/2019Urban Planning Policy for Realizing Public Objectives Through Private Development in SeoulHye-jin JungDownload
18/02/2011Sustainability and Housing Provision in MalaysiaTeck-Hong TanDownload
17/06/2020Cities and Urban issues in PakistanWasim Shahid MalikDownload
17/06/2020Affordable Housing for Rural Migrant Workers in Urban ChinaYukio YAMAGUCHI, Masumi SHINYADownload
13/02/2020Spatial Distribution of Affordable Housing Projects in Nanjing, ChinaJIA YOU, SUN SHENG HAN and HAO WUDownload
21/10/2020Agency of Mapping in South Asia: Galle-Matara (Sri Lanka), Mumbai (India) and Khulna (Bangladesh)Kelly ShannonDownload
05/02/2020Role of Government in Economic Development: Focus on BangladeshBangladesh Economic Review 2018Download
08/05/2019Sustainability Assessment of Non-Public Sector Initiatives in Housing for Marginalized GroupsKrishna Ram Bhandari , Dr. Sangeeta SinghDownload
17/06/2018India’s Subprime Mortgage Mania Can Quickly Turn to PanicAndy MukherjeeDownload
10/04/2019Public-Private Partnerships in Affordable HousingUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload