Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
02/08/2018Investigate Leakages in Low Cost Housing Provision in MalaysiaAndrew Ebekozien, Abdul-Rashid Abdul-Aziz and Mastura JaafarDownload
Quality Housing in Affordable Price for Malaysian Low Income in MalaysiaWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Demystifying the Affordable Housing Issue in MalaysiaDownload
Innovative approaches to deliver affordable housing options in AsiaUN-Habitat and IUTCDownload
Examination of Affordable Housing Policies in IndiaAnindo Sarkar, Udayan Dhavalikar and otherDownload
Housing Development in MalaysiaNur Shaffiqa Muhammad Soffian, Amelia Ahmad and Norainah Abdul RahmanDownload
Malaysia: Affordable Housing Policy, Issues and Challenges among Middle-Income GroupsS. Baqutaya, A. S. Ariffin, and F. RajiDownload
A Comparative Study of Relation between the National Housing & Building Material Cost and Economic Gap in IndiaWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Pakistan: The Pillar That Holds The RoofWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Malaysia: The Crisis In HousingWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
The Current Practices Of The Malaysian Formal Low Cost Housing Provision SystemWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
The Shelter in IndiaWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Housing Demand in Islamabad Capital TerritoryWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Quantity and Quality of Housing Conditions in PakistanWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Property Rights of Low-Income Housing in PakistanWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Global – Customer Satisfaction at Public Sector, a Case Study of Pakistan Housing AuthorityWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Low Income Housing Strategies in PakistanWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Pakistan: Owner Driven Low cost HousingWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Standards toward Quality Affordable Housing in MalaysiaWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Pakistan: Institutional Strengthening Of Housing Department (ISHD)Working is in progress in ACASHDownload