

Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
22/09/2021How to make Housing more Affordable Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Housing Affordability and Supply in AustraliaBrendan Coates and Tom CrowleyDownload
Delivering Affordable Housing in MelbourneKATRINA RAYNORDownload
05/06/2023Exploring the role of affordable housing in successful health-focused innovation districtsHenry HalloranDownload
29/10/2024Understanding and Addressing Community Opposition to Affordable Housing DevelopmentGethin Davison, Crystal Legacy, Edgar Liu, Hoon Han, Peter Phibbs, Ryan van den Nouwelant, Michael Darcy and Awais PirachaDownload
16/05/2002New Approaches to Expanding the Supply of Affordable Housing in Australia: An Increasing Role for the Private SectorMike BerryDownload
10/09/2015Tasmanian Affordable Housing Strategy 2015-2025Department of Health and Human Services Housing TasmaniaDownload
Housing Australia Investment Mandate Direction 2018Housing Australia Investment Mandate AmendmentDownload
Housing Australia Department of FinanceGovt legislationDownload
08/05/2018Affordable Housing Action Plan 2017-18 to 2019-20Government of western AustraliaDownload
19/01/2011Housing Affordability from a Global Perspective a Comparison between Housing Demography in Australia and GermanyProfessor Richard ReedDownload
08/09/2023Monash Affordable Housing Strategy City of MonashMonash City CouncilDownload
29/11/2023Affordable Housing Strategy City of BarrieN. Barry LyonDownload
11/07/2011Affordable Housing Strategy 2010-2020 Opening Doors To Affordable HousingUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
27/09/2018Housing Affordability in Australia and the UK: Common problems and Common SolutionsGeofrey MeenDownload
22/12/2023Explanation of Intended Effect: Changes to Create Low-and Mid-rise HousingNSW Department of Planning and EnvironmentDownload
06/01/2016Affordable Housing Working GroupCommonwealth of AustraliaDownload
01/11/2016Affordable Housing PolicyInner West CouncilDownload
26/09/2016Affordable Housing for AllTransforming Housing Melbourne School of DesignDownload
08/11/2020Cumberland Affordable Housing StrategyCumberland City CouncilDownload
27/08/2015Defining Affordable Housing and a Minimum Supply of Social HousingDarlene Swan, Sharon Barker, Claire AndersonDownload