General Housing Worldwide


Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
17/02/2009Low-Income Housing Policies: Lessons from International ExperienceAsian Development BankDownload
23/01/2008Changes in Zoning to Encourage Affordable HousingStephanie WardenDownload
20/02/2020Organizational Capital: A New Approach to Lending in Nonprofit Affordable HousingRose Lindsay FinkenstaedtDownload
10/03/2010How Can the Planning System Deliver More HousingGemma Burgess, Sarah Monk and Christine WhiteheadDownload
27/07/2016Policy Paper 10: Housing PoliciesPreparatory Committee for the United Nations ConferenceDownload
10/04/2014An Examination of Rural Housing Development Programs, Issues and StrategiesHeather Strohm, Tanya Hall, Bo Beaulieu, Melinda GrismerDownload
10/04/2002Housing Strategies to Strengthen Welfare Policy and Support Working FamiliesBarbara Sard and Margy WallerDownload
19/07/2017Investing in Affordable Housing: BC, Canada, and the WorldSteven Petterson, McKenzie Rainey, Bruno Lam and Dr. James TanseyDownload
05/02/2020Best Practices in Affordable HousingTIM WAKEDownload
11/03/2020Solutions to the Affordable Housing crisis: Perspective on PrivatizationPeter W. Salsich, JRDownload
11/02/2016Sustainable Housing and Building Materials for Low-income HouseholdsBredenoord J.Download
06/02/2020Breaking Ground’s a Beginner Guide for Non Profit DevelopersBreaking Ground's a Beginner Guide for Non Profit DevelopersDownload
04/03/2015Confronting the Urban Housing Crisis in the Global SouthRobin King, Mariana Orloff, Terra Virsilas, and Tejas PandeDownload
16/09/2020Establishing a Regulated Affordable Rental Sector: Creating a Housing Solution to Resolve the Need of Those Unable to Access Home OwnershipCommunity Housing LTD.Download
04/02/2020Assessing City Capacity to Become Models for Quality Intensified Housing DevelopmentEdward Yaw Awuah, Head,EstatesDownload
19/03/2020Assessing Slums in the Development ContextPart Two - Author unknownDownload
22/09/2016Study of Slums as Social and Physical Constructs: Challenges and Emerging Research OpportunitiesRon Mahabir, Andrew Crooks, Arie Croitoru, Peggy AgourisDownload
13/02/2020Housing Ecosystem and Development & Stability of Housing Finance MarketsR V VERMADownload
16/01/2019Formulating The National Housing FrameworkN. JayaselanDownload
09/01/2019Climate induced displacement: Powering Collaboration for Housing ImpactLalit Kumar DashoraDownload