General Housing Worldwide


Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
25/08/2023Tackling Ontario’s Housing Affordability Crisis Through Innovative Solutions and PartnershipsOntario Chamber of CommerceDownload
10/10/2019Changing the Narrative of Affordable Housing: Final ReportMichael Rios, Brandon and Elizabeth GodkinDownload
14/09/2017Passive Approaches to Low-Energy Affordable HousingSandra BaynesDownload
17/05/2022Modular 3D Printing Construction: Towards Affordable, Adjustable and Climate Resilient HousingJustine van den Bergh, et.alDownload
14/07/2023Five Housing Policy Priorities for OntarioACTO and TDCPDownload
14/10/2022Long-term Sustainable Housing Solutions for Vulnerable ResidentsDevan Kanthasamy, et.alDownload
27/10/2023Our Homes, Action for Housing: A 5-Year Housing PlanJohn LohrDownload
Upgrading Housing Settlement in Indonesia – Wood-based materials for constructionUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
23/02/2024United States Housing Act of 1937As Amended Through P.L.Download
14/07/2022Colorado’s Affordable Housing CrisisAubrey Wilde and Andrew WestDownload
05/03/2023A Transition to Sustainable HousingTrivess Moore and Andréanne DoyonDownload
09/03/2023Practical Strategies for Addressing Florida’s Crisis in Housing AffordabilityCrystal Taylor, et.alDownload
06/08/2023Focus on Affordable Housing SolutionsPeel RegionDownload
12/05/2023Affordable Housing Projects on the Ground from the 2023 Housing Finance in Africa YearbookLesley MashirDownload
10/03/2022The Canadian Housing and Renewal AssociationCanadian Housing and Renewal Association Download
23/06/2023Housing for AllJill GreenDownload
22/11/2023Solutions to Canada’s Housing CrisisForest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) and Canadian Wood Council (CWC)Download
16/03/2023Tackling Ontario’s Housing Affordability CrisisOntario Chamber of CommerceDownload
10/06/2021Homelessness and Property Tax FreedomRichard CebulaDownload
04/02/2015An Anatomy of Gentrification ProcessesCody HochstenbachDownload