

Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
13/10/2023Building Green: Sustainable Construction in Emerging Markets IFCDownload
16/03/2023Compressed Stabilized Earthen Blocks and Their Use in Low-Cost Social HousingJan Bredenoord and Yask KulshreshthaDownload
28/02/2022The Role of Construction Technology Techniques in Improving the Performance of Contemporary Housing Complexes, Bismayah City in IraqSafaaaldeen Hussein Ali and Marwa Mohammed Kassid AL-ZaidDownload
20/06/2023Study on Micro-Mechanism of the Affordable Housing Community in Urban Renewal the Case of Zunyi city, Guizhou ProvinceQingyan He, Jianzhu Yang and Lei GongDownload
27/08/2022Measuring Housing Affordability in the PhilippinesMarife M. Ballesteros, Tatum P. Ramos, and Jenica A. AnchetaDownload
31/05/2021Housing Systems in the Global South: The Relevance of the Social Housing Approach in Meeting Housing NeedsAlireza Vaziri Zadeh, Frank Moulaert and Stuart CameronDownload
10/03/2023Social Housing PrinciplesAlliance for Housing Justice Download
13/05/2022Pittsburgh Housing Innovation LabHUDDownload
11/08/2021Urban growth and landslide risk in Tijuana, MexicoAldo Onel Oliva González, et.alDownload
15/06/2023Housing Affordability: Philanthropic Solutions for Santa Barbara CountyStephen Hicks and Jackie CarreraDownload
20/10/2023LA Affordable Housing Decarbonization Case StudiesGeffen Oren, et.alDownload
14/07/2022Rural Housing: Challenges, Opportunities and SolutionsRuth McAreavey and David KemmettDownload
13/12/2016An Examination of Rural Housing Development Programs, Issues and StrategiesHeather Strohm, et.alDownload
29/09/2009Affordable Housing for the Rural Poor in LessDeveloped EconomiesDeepa.G. Nai, et.alDownload
20/02/2023Building Regulations Assessment in Terms of Affordability Values. Towards Sustainable Housing Supplying in PalestineMohammed Itma and Wasim SalamaDownload
05/03/2023A Transition to Sustainable HousingTrivess Moore and Andréanne DoyonDownload
26/07/2023Improving sustainability of affordable housing using innovative technologiesAlireza Moghayedi, et.alDownload
09/03/2023Practical Strategies for Addressing Florida’s Crisis in Housing AffordabilityCrystal Taylor, et.alDownload
15/07/2022Housing affordability in Hong KongSteve Lewis, et.alDownload
06/08/2023Focus on Affordable Housing SolutionsPeel RegionDownload