

Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
23/02/2015Urban Housing Supply and Affordability in YemenAbdullah Al-AbedDownload
27/05/2023Yemen Country ProfileUN-HabitatDownload
25/05/2004The Behaviour of Construction Costs and Affordability in Developing Countries: A Yemen Case StudyBasel Sultan and Stephen KajewskiDownload
25/01/2013Evaluating Sites and Services Policy as Approach to Afford Housing for Low- Income People in Yemen: Case StudyN.A. Al-Ansi, J. Wahid , W.H. Wan Badaruzzaman and Z.M. DarusDownload
09/03/2017Factors Affecting Construction Costs in Affordable Housing for Low-Income Groups in Sana’a, YemenWa'el Abdulmoghni Mohammed AlaghbariDownload
14/04/2023Yemen: Challenges to Housing, Land, and Property RightsEuropean Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations.Download
11/09/2023Assessment of the Land Sector in YemenUnited Nations Human Settlements ProgrammeDownload
19/09/2014Factors Influencing the Readiness of the Public and Private Sectors to Implement Public-Private Partnerships in developing Affordable Housing in YemenKhaled Mohammed Ahmed Al ShareemDownload
19/02/2014Incompetent Construction Technologies and Resources in the Construction Industry of YemenBasil Sultan and Wa’el AlaghbariDownload
28/09/2016Republic of Yemen National Report Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – HABITAT III –KatjaDownload
25/05/2018An Institutional Framework for Post-Conflict Reconstruction in YemenKhaled HamidDownload
02/05/2013Global: Key Socio-Economic Statistics on IDB Member CountriesUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload