Founded in 1914, the International Union for Housing Finance (IUHF) is a global network organization dedicated to housing finance.

Centre for Affordable Housing & Sustainable Built Environment (CAHSBE).
In order to move towards creating a capable and viable local construction sector

Singaporean Saving for Housing Program
Housing Development BoardCentral Provident Fun Board

African Union of Housing Finance
An industry body, that promotes the development of effective housing finance markets, and delivery of affordable housing across Africa

Centre for Affordable Housing & Sustainable Built Environment (CAHSBE).
In order to move towards creating a capable and viable local construction sector

Centre for Affordable Housing & Sustainable Built Environment (CAHSBE).
In order to move towards creating a capable and viable local construction sector

Research Institute for Housing America
The pursuit of knowledge of mortgage markets and real estate finance, provide grants to distinguished scholars and research facilities

Mortgage Industry Standard Maintenance Organization
To develop, promote, and maintain voluntary electronic commerce standards for the mortgage industry

Housing Wire, knowledge center
Knowledge Center in collecting, storing and making broadly and virtually available a wide range of research and related Knowledge associated with the U.S. housing economy

The Urban Institute
Trusted source for unbiased, authoritative insights that inform consequential choices about the well-being of people and places in the United States

Economy Watch (follow the money)
Wide ranging news, discussions, and writings about economy, investments and personal finances in world’s main economic centers

National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC), Johannesburg
One of several Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) created by the South African Government to sustainably improve on the socio-economic challenges of the country. The developmental financial focus of the NHFC is specifically about finding workable models on affordable housing finance for the low- and middle-income target market.

Micro Housing Finance Corporation Limited, India
To help financially excluded (especially lower income, informal sector) families own an independent home.

National Affordable Housing, USA
Dealing with applicability, usability and accessibility of Section 8 program, by recognizing that very low-income people do not have enough money to afford decent, safe, and good quality housing.

Next Billion, USA
JLL is India’s premier and largest professional services firm specializing in real estate. With an extensive geographic footprint across 11 cities of India, the firm provides investors, developers, local corporates and multinational companies with a comprehensive range of real estate-related services.

The Global Economy ResourcesEconomic indicators for over 200/300 countries
Provides up-to-date numbers for GDP, inflation, credit, interest rates, employment, and many other indicators. The data series are updated continuously based on the release dates of individual countries.

The World Bank
Engaged the development community with real-world statistics, support countries’ poverty reduction strategies, provide analysis and advice for developing countries.

Apartment Guide, USA
A rental resource that connects apartment consumers to their ideal place to live. With an unmatched search capability, amplified by constantly refined tools and industry insights,

The European Mortgage Federation (EMF)
Voice of the European mortgage industry on the retail side of the business, representing the interests of mortgage lenders at European level.

HOFFINET – Housing Finance Information Network
A quality-assured web portal that consolidates regularly updated international housing finance knowledge in one central, easily accessible place

Singaporean Saving for Housing Program
Housing Development Board
Central Provident Fun Board

Real Estate Department at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Wharton’s Real Estate Department seeks to produce sophisticated professionals with the necessary skills to succeed in the business world but who also have a broader perspective on the issues involved in creating and maintaining living and working environments.

Caribbean Association of Housing Finance Institutions (CASHFI)
CASHFI functions as an affiliate organisation of the International Union for Housing Finance and the Inter-American Housing Union.

The Mortgage Professor*
Guiding borrowers to the right decisions. Protecting borrowers from mortgage predators. The Mortgage Professor can help determine the solution that works best for you

Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI)
Is an inclusive platform for all G20 countries, interested non-G20 countries and relevant stakeholders to carry forward work on financial inclusion, including the implementation of the Financial Inclusion Action Plan, endorsed at the G20 Summit in Seoul.

Global Housing Watch-IMF
Tracks developments in housing markets across the world on a quarterly basis. It provides current data on house prices as well as metrics used to assess valuation in housing markets, such as house price‑to‑rent and house-price‑to‑income ratios.

International Property Markets Scorecard, USA
Property rights are the fundamental building blocks of a modern economy. Well-defined and transparent property rights and markets allow citizens to have a stake in the system so they can leverage their assets to generate wealth. Reliable and efficient property markets are also the foundation for economic growth and development that can help eliminate poverty.

The Economist Intelligence Unit
A resource site giving country analysis, risk analysis and industry analysis. This is the research and analysis division of The Economist Group and the world leader in global business intelligence

Institute for Real Estate Construction and Housing Ltd.
A research platform for Austria | EU | CEE | CIS Research as well as a wealth of information and services about real estate, construction and housing in Austria, the EU, and many CEE and CIS countries.

Real Estate Loans and Savings Companies (ABECIP)
The Brazilian Association of Real Estate Loans and Savings Companies (Associação Brasileira das Entidades de Crédito Imobiliário e Poupança – Abecip) was set up in the First National Meeting of the Real Estate Loans and Savings Companies.

Titularizadora, Colombia
This is the first company specialized in asset securitization in Colombia. This is a private institution, with shareholders that include institutions with ground history in the Mortgage industry and financial sectors. https://www.titularizadora.compaginas/eng/index.aspx#

Metropolitan Research Institute (MRI), Hungary
An internationally and nationally recognized scientific think-tank, founded in 1989 and based in Budapest. Its work is dedicated to housing, social problems and urban development.

PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero), Indonesia
A Secondary Mortgage Market player, to promote and develop secondary mortgage market that will increase medium to long-term fund availability for housing sector, which will provide home ownership to be affordable for every Indonesian family.

State Mortgage Company, Kyrgyz Republic
Providing mortgage financing to the people according Kyrgyz government.

MIK group company
It was established as the parent company of MIK HFC through a share-swap agreement by the shareholders. Its principle activities are conducted through MIK HFC. MIK HFC is a Housing Finance Company, with special licenses obtained from the Financial Regulatory Commission (FRC), allowing it to issue asset-backed securities (products) and provide trust deed and transaction administration services.

House Building Finance Company Limited (HBFCL), Pakistan
The premier and specialized housing finance company of the country, which has been providing assistance for housing to all walks of life throughout the Pakistan.

National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation (NHMFC), Philippines
The NHMFC shall be the government’s major secondary mortgage institution with the capability to attract long-term funds to provide strong and sustainable housing finance.

Central African Building Society, Zimbabwe
CABS is an established and strong brand name in the financial retail market in Zimbabwe. The Society offers a diverse range of financial products and services that includes transaction and savings accounts, mobile banking, mortgage loans, money market investments, term deposits and pay-roll loans. These are delivered through the largest branch network in the country which is linked to CABS on-line real time banking system.

UK Finance, UK
Represents nearly 300 of the leading firms providing finance, banking, markets and payments-related services in or from the UK. UK Finance has been created by combining most of the activities of the Asset Based Finance Association, the British Bankers’ Association, the Council of Mortgage Lenders, Financial Fraud Action UK, Payments UK and the UK Cards Association.

Real Estate Information Center, Thailand
Ministry of Finance of Thailand and the Government Housing Bank of Thailand established a national real estate information center under a report from the World Bank of 2000, for real estate information to be used by Treasury Department, Land Department, Department of Public Works and Town and Country Planning, the Department of Legal Execution, Department of Local Administration. Fiscal Policy Office Bank of Thailand National Economic and Social Development Board National Statistical Office Capital

The Banking Association South Africa
Mandated to represent the banking sector and addresses issues of industry. The role of The Banking Association is to facilitate the enablement of a conducive banking environment through robust engagement with government and relevant stakeholders. A critical role of The Banking Association is to work with its members to enable this role within the context of the transformation challenges prevailing in South Africa.

is an independent publication that serves (and sometimes challenges) affordable housing and community development practitioners across the United States.

Kenya Land Alliance
An NGO that advocates for enabling land laws and policies in Kenya for equitable access to land and land based resources, land rights

Cities Alliance (Cities Without Slums)
To help cities of all sizes to promote long-term approaches that are focused on strengthening local skills and capacity, developing national urban policies to solve urban house shortage

Rooftops Canada Abri International
The international development program of co-operative and social housing organizations in Canada.

FinMark Trust (FMT)
An independent trust established in 2002 with the objective of making markets work for the poor. It research to identify the systemic constraints that prevent financial markets from reaching out to these consumers and by advocating for change on the basis of the research findings.

Women’s Advancement Trust (WAT) -Human Settlements
Promotes and facilitates adequate and affordable housing and secure tenure for low- and middle-income groups, particularly women. WAT-HST does this by community mobilization, providing housing microfinance (HMF) services, housing support services (HSS) and Land and construction projects.

CIA World Factbook – The best country factbook available online
An annual publication of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States with almanac-style information about the countries of the world.

Environment and Urbanization (EAU)
EAU works on urban and environmental issues and their interconnections, with a particular emphasis on Africa, Asia and Latin America.SAGE is the natural home for authors, editors, and societies. We are committed to providing the best possible service to all our publishing partners.

International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
An independent policy research institute whose stated mission is to “build a fairer, more sustainable world, using evidence, action and influence in partnership with others

Cities Alliance – Cities Without Slums
To help cities of all sizes to achieve these goals, the Cities Alliance promotes long-term programmatic approaches that are focused on strengthening local skills and capacity, developing national urban policies, investing in infrastructure, enabling strategic city planning, and engaging citizens.

Index Mundi*
It contains detailed country statistics, charts, and maps compiled from multiple sources. You can explore and analyze thousands of indicators organized by region, country, topic, industry sector, and type.

Lamudi, Find the Best Real Estate Offers Worldwide
An online real estate marketplace with operations in 34 countries.

JLL, India’s real estate compass
JLL is India’s premier and largest professional services firm specializing in real estate. With an extensive geographic footprint across 11 cities of India, the firm provides investors, developers, local corporates and multinational companies with a comprehensive range of real estate-related services.

Helgi Library, Czech Republic
This is one of the largest open statistics portals in the world. It collects useful data and interesting reports under a single roof to save you hours of searching and disappointment at poor results.

The World Bank – Doing Business
Economy Characteristics of countries giving gross national income (GNI) per capita, region and income group, and population etc.

Department of Housing and UrbanDevelopment (HUD), USA
A resource for providing most trusted and secure provider of Foreclosure Listings in the nation.

European Covered Bond Council (ECBC)
The platform that brings together covered bond market participants including covered bond issuers, analysts, investment bankers, rating agencies and a wide range of other interested stakeholders.

Energy efficient mortgages initiatives of Europe
The Energy Efficient Mortgages Initiative consists of two parallel projects, the Energy efficient Mortgages Action Plan (EeMAP) and the Energy efficiency Data Portal & Protocol (EeDaPP)
Online real estate database for real estate dealers, developers, estate agencies with general buyers, sellers and renters in Pakistan

International Housing Finance Program (IHFP)
A part of the Real Estate Center of the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. IHFP was established in 1985 to foster excellence in housing finance education, technical advisory services, and research, with a specific focus on developing and emerging market economies.

International Union for Housing Finance (IUHF)
Established in 1914, the Union keeps up-to-date with the latest developments in housing finance from around the world, and learn from each other’s experience. It has 105 member organizations in 48 countries.

IDB-IIC, Federal Credit Union
The IDB-IIC Federal Credit Union is a not-for-profit, financial service cooperative owned by more than 11,200 members of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC) community. It was chartered in 1961 to meet the saving and borrowing needs of IDB staff, pensioners and their families.

The Mortgage Professor*
Vinod Kothari Consultants, India Is source of articles, lectures and resources on housing finance, securitization, credit derivatives, accounting for financial instruments, structured finance, banking regulations etc., besides remaining engaged in practice of corporate laws for over 25 years.

The G20 is the premier forum for international economic development that promotes open and constructive discussion between industrial and emerging-market countries on key issues related to global economic stability. By contributing to the strengthening of the international financial architecture and providing opportunities for dialogue on national policies, international cooperation, and international financial institutions, the G20 helps to support growth and development across the globe.

International Property Markets Scorecard, USA
REAL WORLD – A global guide to real estate Law A guide that allows us to share the local knowledge about how the law works wherever you invest or operate. We also offer you REALWORLD NEWS − keeping you up to date with the real estate sector around the world.

African Economic Outlook
The website provides comprehensive and comparable data and analysis of 54 African economies. An international team of researchers, economists, statisticians and other experts analyse economic, social and political statistics and present them in a format accessible to the public. The report is supported by recent available data drawn from several sources: national statistics offices, ministries, multilateral development institutions, investors, civil society and the media.

Azerbaijan Mortgage Fund (AMF)
A research platform for Austria | EU | CEE | CIS Research as well as a wealth of information and services about real estate, construction and housing in Austria, the EU, and many CEE and CIS countries.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC-SCHL)
As Canada’s authority on housing, the corporation contributes to the stability of the housing market and financial system, provide support for Canadians in housing need, and offer objective housing research and advice to Canadian governments, consumers and the housing industry. Prudent risk management, strong corporate governance and transparency are cornerstones of our operations.

National Housing Bank of India
A wholly owned subsidiary of Indian central bank. To operate as a principal agency to promote housing finance institutions both at local and regional levels and to provide financial and other support to such institutions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Japan Housing Finance Agency, Japan
Focuses on the securitization support business to support provision of fixed-rate housing loans by private financial institutions, but also provides a housing loan insurance service to promote smooth provision of private housing loans and a loan origination service in areas that are important from the policy perspective, yet difficult for the private sector to handle.

Palestine Capital Market Authority
Its jurisdiction encompasses securities, insurance, financial mortgage and financial leasing sectors, along with any other non-banking financial institutions. In the past years the PCMA chaired the National Committee for Corporate Governance in Palestine.

Asia Pacific Union for Housing Finance (APUHF)
To provide a basis and a platform for exchange of ideas, views, experiences, events, practices, products, products in different countries of South Asia which may help in policy design, strategic intervention, design of different instruments, for low income housing and the housing finance market, exchange of learning and best practices so as to facilitate a coordinated approach towards “Housing for All” in different countries in the region.

The Polish Bank Association (ZBP), Poland
Self-government organization of banks, established in 1991, founded on the Chambers of Commerce Charter. Membership in the ZBP is voluntary and open for all banks created under the Polish law as well as for foreign credit institutions branches operating in the Republic of Poland.

Council of Mortgage Lenders, UK
An integrated part of a new trade association, UK Finance. For the time being, all UKF mortgage information will continue to be published on this website, and UKF member-only mortgage information will only be available here.

Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMB)
The regulatory and supervisory authority in charge of the securities markets in Turkey. Empowered by the Capital Markets Law (CML), which was enacted in 1981, the CMB has been making detailed regulations for organizing the markets and developing capital market instruments and institutions for the past nineteen years in Turkey.

Asociación Hipotecaria Española (AHE), Spain
Launched in 1983, the Spanish Mortgage Association is an organization made up of banks, cooperatives and credit financial institutions which have a major presence on the Spanish mortgage market. The members of the Association hold approximately 75% of the mortgage loan market. The AHE also brings together institutions and organizations other than credit institutions that are directly linked to the mortgage activity.

The Banking Association South Africa
Mandated to represent the banking sector and addresses issues of industry. The role of The Banking Association is to facilitate the enablement of a conducive banking environment through robust engagement with government and relevant stakeholders. A critical role of The Banking Association is to work with its members to enable this role within the context of the transformation challenges prevailing in South Africa.

Affordable Housing News
Affordable housing allows families to live near work, education, and affordable transportation, while supporting society's most vulnerable. It's a crucial factor for socioeconomic stability. Affordable Housing News (AHN) plays a key role in providing information on affordable housing developments across the U.S. We serve as a resource for industry news, updates, and strategies for investors and operators. Our readers include top managers, owners, contractors, lenders, and stakeholders, and we highlight leaders through interviews, case studies, and strategic insights.

OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) is a forum and knowledge hub for data, analysis and best practices in public policy. We work with over 100 countries across the world to build stronger, fairer and cleaner societies - helping to shape better policies for better lives.

The Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI)
AHURI is a national independent research network, led by AHURI Limited, a not-for-profit research management company. As Australia's only organization focused solely on housing, homelessness, and urban research, AHURI works with university partners to conduct research that informs government policy, supports industry practices, and educates the public.