Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

Modern building construction technologies and Pakistan

Modern construction techniques, also known as Modern Methods of Construction (MMC),
emphasize off-site construction and innovative practices to improve efficiency, quality, and
sustainability in building projects. Here are some key examples:

  1. Prefabrication: This involves manufacturing building components like walls,
    floors, and even entire modules in a factory setting. These prefabricated
    elements are then transported to the construction site for assembly, significantly
    reducing on-site work and construction time.
  2. Modular Construction: In this technique, entire rooms or even complete
    buildings are built off-site in modules. These modules are then transported to the
    construction site and stacked or connected to form the final structure. Modular
    construction offers a very fast and controlled building process.
  3. 3D Volumetric Construction: This cutting-edge technique utilizes 3D printing
    technology to create building components or even entire structures layer by layer.
    While still under development, 3D volumetric construction has the potential to
    revolutionize construction with minimal waste and high design flexibility.
  4. Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF): This technique uses hollow interlocking
    formwork made of insulating polystyrene. These forms are filled with concrete to
    create energy-efficient and durable walls with built-in insulation.
  5. Building Information Modeling (B I M): While not exactly a construction
    technique, B I M is a powerful software tool that creates digital 3D models of
    buildings. B I M allows architects, engineers, and contractors to collaborate and
    identify potential issues before construction begins, leading to fewer errors and a
    smoother building process.
  6. Other techniques include thin-joint masonry, precast concrete foundations, twin-
    wall concrete panels, and flat slab construction. These methods focus on
    efficiency, reducing waste, and improving structural performance.

The benefits of modern construction techniques include:

  1. Faster construction times: Prefabrication and modular construction can
    significantly reduce on-site work, leading to faster project completion.
  2. Improved quality: Factory-controlled environments allow for better quality
    control of building components.
  3. Reduced waste: Precise manufacturing and prefabrication minimize on-site
    material waste.
  4. Enhanced safety: Fewer workers are needed on-site, reducing the risk of
  5. Increased sustainability: Modern techniques can incorporate energy-efficient
    materials and practices for a greener building process.

Overall, modern construction techniques are transforming the industry by offering faster,
more efficient, and sustainable methods for building structures.
The adoption of modern construction technology in Pakistan is still far away from ground
reality and worldwide practices even in developing countries. In Pakistan, age-old, arcane
and old manual techniques are used. It seems that the people involved in construction
industry are not at all interested to go for technology driven cost effective processes. Some

big, commercial projects do use some automated processes for constructions of big sizes.
But these practically minimal in consideration of Pakistan’s housing shortages, and
requirement of swift production techniques for bulk production of houses. The modern
technologies can help to improve efficiency, safety, sustainability, and affordability in the
construction sector, which will benefit both businesses and individuals.
Here are some challenges to wider adoption of modern construction technology in Pakistan:
– Cost: Some of these technologies can be expensive to implement, which may deter
smaller construction companies.
– Skilled Labor: Using some of these technologies effectively requires skilled labor,
which can be in short supply.
– Infrastructure: Pakistan’s infrastructure, such as reliable internet access, can
sometimes hinder the use of certain technologies.
Despite these challenges, the future of construction in Pakistan is likely to see continued
growth in the adoption of modern technologies. As the industry becomes more competitive
and the demand for sustainable construction increases, these technologies will become
increasingly essential.

Keywords: Housing, housing construction, modern technique,

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