Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

Modern methods of constructions, and their challenges in Pakistan

In these days, like vast developments in any technological fields in the world, the
construction industry is also gone through mammoth changes and development. Today, the
world in general and the developed world in particular has owned the “modern method of
construction” technique, or MMC, which has ensured sky rocketing efficiencies in
constructions, time saving, cost curtailing, and newer heights in the industry. The projects
which could be built in years, can now be made in months, or even in days. Cost saving of
huge proportion is another plus point of these MMC techniques.
Though the developed world is benefiting from these modern-day revolutionary techniques,
but Pakistan, like many other fields, is lagging behind on this ground too. Though some huge
projects of commercial nature are using some modern techniques for big constructions, but
these are not sufficient, and not at all revolutionary, to say the least. Actually, it can be said
that there is a sort of resistance from the related quarters in going out for in complete
overhaul of the construction techniques and whole heartedly side with the technological
advancements in this field. The challenges on the way in brining the much needed changes
are discussed briefly here.
Resistance to Change
There seems to be an uncanny resistance towards the change to technological
advancements. Numerous individuals and companies somehow feel threatened by the
changes, and afraid of adopting new techniques within the industry.
Another factor contributing to resistance is the need for additional training. The
implementation of modern construction methods often require the acquisition of new skills.
This process can be time-consuming and expensive for individuals and companies.
The construction industry also involves complex regulatory and approval processes.
Changes in construction methods may necessitate a thorough review and approval. This can
result in delays and increased costs, which discourage the adoption of modern methods.
As the construction industry evolves, stakeholders must acknowledge the need for
change and embrace new methods and technologies. Overcoming resistance to change is
essential for successfully implementing modern construction methods, paving the way for
the industry’s more efficient and sustainable future.
Skilled Labor Shortage
The construction industry in Pakistan also faces a significant challenge due to the scarcity of
skilled labour. There is a high demand for skilled workers in this field, but unfortunately, thereis insufficient supply to meet it. This shortage of professionals can be attributed to various
reasons, including the old type of education system in the country, the lack of interest in the
industry people, and limited training opportunities.
One of the consequences of this shortage is that construction times are prolonged. Projects
with a limited number of workers available often experience delays and setbacks, leading to
increased costs and frustrations. The shortage can also result in a decline in the quality of
construction since inexperienced workers may lack the necessary expertise.
Initial Investment Cost
The initial investment cost is important to consider in modern construction methods.
Evaluating the financial implications beforehand is crucial. Understanding the initial
investment cost is crucial for budget planning and decision-making. Weighing the benefits
and long-term savings against upfront expenses is essential. Project size, complexity, and
sustainability goals should also be considered. By carefully assessing the financial aspects,
you can decide on the appropriate modern construction method for your project.
Regulatory and Approval Processes
Regulatory and approval processes are crucial in ensuring adherence to quality standards
for contemporary construction. These processes encompass acquiring permits,
certifications, and inspections to meet legal and safety requirements.
Licensing is essential to these processes, as builders and contractors must obtain the
necessary licenses from regulatory authorities before starting construction projects. These
licenses validate their qualifications and expertise. But in Pakistan the processes of approval
and licensing are very cumbersome and time consuming. It can also be safely said that, as
there is shortage of trained people in the industry, so also are the shortages of appropriately
trained and visionary people in the regulating bodies.
State’s role in improving the situation
Finally it comes upon the shoulder of the state to change the total picture of the construction
industry. Only a state guided, state managed but privately run setup can do something in this
regards. Otherwise, small stakeholders like builders’ and construction bodies would
swimming unpainfully in the big unfriendly ocean of routine practices and corrupt mindsets,

Keywords: housing, constructions, construction industry, modern methods of
constructions, MMC

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