Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing


Socio-spatial polarization is growing in many big cities in Europe. Socio-spatial polarization refers to the process in which differences between the rich and the poor grows. These segregations develop in line with ethnic or socioeconomic traces. In the European context, this has led to unique spatial styles in big cities wherein the privileged people mostly locate in city centres, whilst the poorer people live in the disadvantageous outer portion the cities.

It has been observed in majority of the research works on socio-spatial polarization that, the continuous dynamic character of the areas is not taken into consideration, but this has been focused on changes in in the population between two points in time in the life of a neighbourhood However, neighbourhoods are constantly changing in their population composition because of residential mobility and demographic events, thereby changing the combination of popularity of a neighbourhood. Although these studies have supplied critical insight into the drivers at the back of neighbourhood change, they are normally limited to time-specific case research, especially in towns.

As a result, we do not realize if neighbourhoods with comparable characteristics experience similar strategies of trade over time or if approaches of gentrification or downgrading are the exception to the rule. As neighbourhoods do no longer perform in a societal and policy vacuum, adjustments in one neighbourhood are likely to have an effect on different neighbourhoods as well. It has, for an instance, been argued that tactics of city restructuring or gentrification are probable to lead to new concentrations of deprivation in different neighbourhoods through the displacement of low-income groups. So, the upgrading of one neighbourhood have been observed to have been moving upward side by side with the going down with some other nearby neighbourhood.

Tabassum Rahmani

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