Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


International Housing Affordability Survey – Copy

International Housing Affordability Survey Introduction Nothing in the world today affects citizens more directly than the home in which they live. And when it comes to housing no piece of recent research opens...


Understanding Housing Development in New European Member States – a Housing Regime Approach

Understanding Housing Development in New European Member States – a Housing Regime Approach Introduction: Comparative studies have shown that housing systems can only be analyzed in the context of the lar...


Social Housing in Post-crisis Hungary: A Reshaping of the Housing Regime under ‘Unorthodox’ Economic and Social Policy

Social Housing in Post-crisis Hungary: A Reshaping of the Housing Regime under ‘Unorthodox’ Economic and Social Policy Introduction: The aim of this paper is to summaries the main policy actions in the area of ...


Ending homelessness in Central and Eastern Europe: making the shift to a housingled system in Hungary

Ending homelessness in Central and Eastern Europe: making the shift to a housing led system in Hungary Introduction: World Habitat believes that housing is a fundamental human right and that housing-led approac...


The state of the Hungarian Residential Market in the time of the Global Economic Crisis

The state of the Hungarian residential market in the time of the global economic crisis Introduction The Hungarian residential market has experienced significant fluctuations, particularly in the context of the...


The Possibilities of a Housing First Paradigm Shift in Hungary

The Possibilities of a Housing First Paradigm Shift in Hungary Introduction The concept of Housing First has emerged as a transformative approach to addressing homelessness, emphasizing the provision of permane...