Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
19/06/2013Rethinking the Federal Housing Administration (FDA)Download
17/09/2020Reverting to Informality and Unregistered Property TransactionsDownload
11/06/2014International Experience with Macroprudential Mortgage Product InstrumentsDownload
13/10/2006Federal Credit and Insurance Programs: HousingDownload
26/11/2008Putting the “Housing” back into Finance for the PoorDownload
13/04/2011Wall Street and Financial CrisisDownload
15/06/2009Public Consultation on Responsible Lending and Borrowing in EUDownload
21/03/2013The Regulation and Supervision of BenchmarksDownload
16/06/2011Prudential Risk Outlook 2011Download
04/06/2013Challenges to Collect Property TaxesDownload
Residential Property Prices in Central, Eastern and Southeastern European CountriesDownload
05/11/2010Promoting Investment in Private Rented Housing Supply International Policy ComparisonsDownload
25/01/2012Problems with Using CDS to Infer Default ProbabilitiesDownload
30/06/2011Private Rental Housing in United StatesDownload
23/09/2005Pricing Market-Specific BubblesDownload
17/05/2007Mortgages in Transition EconomiesDownload
09/09/2008Global Structured FinanceDownload
11/07/2011Present Law and Background Relating to Tax Treatment of Household DebtDownload
14/08/2008Tax Expenditures for Owner-Occupied HousingDownload
21/03/2013The Portuguese Slump-Crash and the Euro-CrisisDownload