Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
23/06/2021Review on the Bhutanese Architecture GuidelineJigme Thinley, Chimi, Jamyang P Dorji and Penden WangchukDownload
03/12/2015Assam Urban Affordable Housing & Habitat PolicyRavi ShankarDownload
20/05/2016National Report in the 3rd UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development Ministry of Works and Human Settlement Royal Government of BhutanMinistry of Works and Human SettlementDownload
08/04/2001Strengthening Housing and Urban Development Division With Special Reference to Thimphu, Capital of BhutanThinley PenjoreDownload
29/08/2021Towards Housing Affordability Unpacking the Influence of Supply-side Constraints on Affordable Housing Delivery by Private Developers in ThimphuBabita GurungDownload
29/07/2019National Housing Policy (Revised), 2019 BhutanMinistry of Works and Human SettlementDownload
21/11/2012Bhutan: Green and Resilient Affordable Housing Sector Project– PhuentsholingAsian Development BankDownload
10/09/2020Why the Expansion of the Welfare Regime Has not Solved the Growing Housing Affordability Crisis in BhutanLhazin Yangzom NedupDownload
31/03/2010Integrating aspects of cultural and environmental sensitivities into affordable housing in the Arab Gulf regionA. MokhtarDownload
27/10/2020Innovative Approaches to Affordable Housing Looking at Phuntsholing CityJigme Thinley and ChimiDownload
03/03/2024Urban Development and Housing in Nepal: Challenges and OpportunitiesDr. Sunil Babu ShresthaDownload
22/05/2023Towards a More Nuanced Approach to Measuring Housing Affordability Evidence from PakistanCatherine Lynch, Ashna Singh and Yan F. ZhangDownload
04/05/2013Different approaches to Slum Upgrading From Forced Eviction to In situ UpgradingValeria Andrade IcazaDownload
18/06/2014Slum Upgrading Without Displacement at Danukusuman Sub-District Surakarta CitySunarti, Joesron Alie Syahbana, and Asnawi ManafDownload
16/12/2014Cities Alliance Project on Pro-Poor Slum Upgrading Framework for Mumbai, IndiaSociety for Promotion of Areas Resource Centres (SPARC)Download
07/04/2016Slum Almanac 2015 2016 – Tracking Improvement in the Lives of Slum DwellersUnited Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)Download
02/07/2018Towards a New Urban Future in Delhi – Policy Analyses and Recommendations for the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement BoardSwetha Balachandran, et,alDownload
15/07/2010The Informal City and the Phenomenon of Slums: the Challenges of Slum upgrading and Slum PreventionClaudio Acioly Jr.Download
19/01/2011Developing Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Infrastructure Services: A Guidebook for Project Implementers and Policy Makers in IndiaKey Technical Areas for Developing Infrastructure ServicesDownload
01/06/2006Impact Evaluation for Slum Upgrading InterventionsErica Field and Michael KremerDownload