Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
07/08/2020Affordable Housing Development Project of BhutanAsian Development Bank (ADB)Download
14/07/2020UK: Affordable Housing in UK according to Supplementary Planning DocumentU.K governmentDownload
09/05/2019Rethinking Affordable Housing in Malaysia – Issue and ChallengesRethinking Affordable HousingDownload
03/06/2014The Design and Construction of U.S. Homes and the HouseholdsMark D. ShroderDownload
03/06/2020Affordable Housing Plan for Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, under Urban 20Abdulrahman Al sultanDownload
13/03/2013The secure future the low-income urban dwellers wantDavid Satterthwaite and Diana MitlinDownload
20/06/2019Energy Rehabilitation of Social Housing in Vulnerable AreasRua Marıa Jose , Huedo Patricia , Cabeza Manuel , Saez Beatriz , Civera VicenteDownload
31/07/2018Examining poverty trends in Sri LankaN.R Ravindra DeyshappriyaDownload
16/07/2020Housing statistics UK – 1 April 2019 – 31 March 2020Working- is in progress in ACASHDownload
16/01/2020Digital Tech and Payments to Solve the Affordable Housing CrisisWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
10/01/2020Improving Housing Affordability by Aligning Zoning, Taxes, and SubsidiesJenny SchuetzDownload
17/06/2020Cost-Effective Housing Technology with Carbon Neutral BlocksNarsing Rao Sudom1, Kishore RavandeDownload
12/06/2019Expanding Modular Design in Hawai’iMarcos Rafael Puakea Cruz OrtizDownload
10/07/2020Study the Fleasibility Compressed Stabilized Earth Block for Low Cost HousingShanta Pragyan Dash, Vaishnavi PandeyDownload
24/10/2019Towards Holistic Solutions to Nairobi’s Affordable Housing CrisisWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
26/11/2019Affordable Housing Land Trust In TorontoWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
21/06/2019Low and Zero Emissions in The Steel and Cement IndustriesWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
13/06/2019Housing and Urban Development Challenges in Hastings District, New ZealandWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
07/04/2020Housing Affordability: Background And PrimerWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
12/07/2016Australia – Transforming Public Housing in a Federal ContextJulie Lawson, Crystal Legacy, Sharon ParkinsonDownload